The fact about the circus is that it has its light and dark side, as practically everything else. It brings joy to people, but many circuses mistreat animals. It shows the limits of the human body and mind, which is a wonderful thing to see, but when those limits are crossed - tragedy awaits. And all that is a circus.
Circuses can look like joyous places, some of which are, but those holding wild animals can paint a different picture. Here you can read many interesting facts about circuses.
You probably can't imagine a circus without some clown. And clowns have been with the modern circus since its beginning. They are a necessary part of the act, and their job is to bring on the laughter.
Circus music is an inseparable part of the circus as long as the circus exists. It evolved in parallel with the circus and today accompanies a modern variant of the circus, giving it more depth.
Some circuses are very big. The greater they are - the more famous they are. But not all circuses go for the size, and they are not any less famous because of that. Such are flea circuses. Read more about the history of the flea circus.